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School database Corpus Christi

Found 269 schools in the database
Type of school: Public, 5922 Brockhampton, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 4350 Aaron Dr, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 2402 Ennis Joslin Rd, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 1414 18Th St, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 4621 Marie, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 4120 Carroll Ln, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 3602 McArdle, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 1707 Ayers, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 2625 Belton St, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 1315 Comanche, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 2730 Gollihar, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 4401 Greenwood, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 5723 Hampshire, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 363 Norton St, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 3602 Panama, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 1826 Frio, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 2920 Soledad, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 901 Meadowbrook, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 2401 S Alameda, Corpus Christi

Type of school: Public, 5241 Kentner, Corpus Christi

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Upcoming school events
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school