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School database Lubbock

Found 244 schools in the database
Type of school: Public, P O Box 394, Pep

Type of school: Public, 204 S Harrison St, Crosbyton

Type of school: Public, 204 S Harrison St, Crosbyton

Type of school: Public, 618 Whirlwind Alley, Floydada

Type of school: Public, P O Box 160, Petersburg

Type of school: Public, P O Box 160, Petersburg

Type of school: Public, P O Box 309, Anton

Type of school: Public, P O Box 1110, Sundown

Type of school: Public, P O Box 168, Jayton

Type of school: Public, P O Box 280, New Deal

Type of school: Public, 140 E Panhandle, Slaton

Type of school: Public, Rt 6 Box 400, Lubbock

Type of school: Public, 16302 Loop 493, Lubbock

Type of school: Public, P O Box 100, Wolfforth

Type of school: Public, 1100 Ave K, Shallowater

Type of school: Public, 1100 Ave K, Shallowater

Type of school: Public, 122 E 6Th St, Plainview

Type of school: Public, 1401 S. College Ave, Levelland
Director: Kelvin Sharp

Type of school: Public, Broadway and University Avenue, Lubbock
Director: M. Duane Nellis, Ph.D

Type of school: Public, 3601 4th Street, Lubbock
Director: Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D.

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school