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Elementary school Travis

Found 205 schools in the database

List of elementary schools in the Texas. They are sorted by location.

Type of school: Public, 3001 S 1St St, Austin

Type of school: Public, 3601 Valle Ave, Austin

Type of school: Public, 4900 Fairview Dr, Austin

Type of school: Public, 4500 Manchaca Rd, Austin

Type of school: Public, 3308 Hampton Rd, Austin

Type of school: Public, 906 W Lynn St, Austin

Type of school: Public, 84 Robert Martinez Jr St, Austin

Type of school: Public, 3601 Webberville Rd, Austin

Type of school: Public, 1135 Garland Ave, Austin

Type of school: Public, 73 San Marcos St, Austin

Type of school: Public, 1106 Rio Grande St, Austin

Type of school: Public, 6405 Cir S Rd, Austin

Type of school: Public, 405 Denson Dr, Austin

Type of school: Public, 5005 Caswell Ave, Austin

Type of school: Public, 600 W St Elmo Rd, Austin

Type of school: Public, 12207 Brigadoon Ln, Austin

Type of school: Public, 401 W Braker Ln, Austin

Type of school: Public, 4900 Gonzales St, Austin

Type of school: Public, 6001 Westcreek Dr, Austin

Type of school: Public, 1406 Dale Dr, Austin

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school