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Elementary school Fort Worth

Found 659 schools in the database

List of elementary schools in the Texas. They are sorted by location.

Type of school: Public, 1200 Eagle Dr, Decatur

Type of school: Public, 1300 Deer Park Rd, Decatur

Type of school: Public, 2100 Business 81/287 S, Decatur

Type of school: Public, 379 Buchanan Rd, Decatur

Type of school: Public, 338 Schoolhouse Rd, Paradise

Type of school: Public, 338 Schoolhouse Rd, Paradise

Type of school: Public, 210 S Woodrow, Denton

Type of school: Public, 3100 Teasley, Denton

Type of school: Public, 800 MacK Pl, Denton

Type of school: Public, 3900 Grant Pkwy, Denton

Type of school: Public, 1212 Hickory Creek Rd, Denton

Type of school: Public, 1400 Malone, Denton

Type of school: Public, 701 Newton St, Denton

Type of school: Public, 1306 E Windsor St, Denton

Type of school: Public, 2525 Yellowstone, Denton

Type of school: Public, 1201 Parvin, Denton

Type of school: Public, 3300 Evers Pkwy, Denton

Type of school: Public, 201 W Ryan Rd, Denton

Type of school: Public, 377 Rayzor Rd, Argyle

Type of school: Public, 4400 Lakeview Blvd, Denton

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school