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Elementary school San Antonio

Found 432 schools in the database

List of elementary schools in the Texas. They are sorted by location.

Type of school: Public, 1214 Guadalupe St, San Antonio

Type of school: Charter, 2015 S Flores St, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 4551 Dietrich Rd, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 167 Harriman Pl, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 1616 Blanco Rd, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 2215 Morales St, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 318 Martin Luther King, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 2311 San Luis St, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 1930 Waverly Ave, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 2630 Sally Gay Dr, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 6718 Pecan Vly Dr, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 1915 W Olmos Dr, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 510 Morningview Dr, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 530 Hoover St, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 122 W Whittier St, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 996 S Hackberry, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 734 Glamis Ave, San Antonio

Type of school: Charter, 635 Rigsby Ave, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 211 W Malone Ave, San Antonio

Type of school: Public, 4826 Seabreeze Dr, San Antonio

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school
31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school