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College El Paso

Found 16 schools in the database

List of colleges in the Texas. They are sorted by location.

Type of school: Public, 9050 Viscount Blvd, El Paso
Director: Dr. William Serrata

Type of school: Private, 9451 Diana Drive, El Paso
Director: Mary Cano

Type of school: Private, 9624 Plaza Circle, El Paso
Director: Allan Sharpe

Type of school: Private, 5700 Cromo, El Paso
Director: Lee Chayes

Type of school: Private, 5700 Cromo, El Paso
Director: Rebecca E. Canchola

Type of school: Private, 1155 N Zaragosa Rd Suite 100, El Paso
Director: Lee Chayes

Type of school: Public, 500 W. University Ave, El Paso
Director: Diana Natalicio

Type of school: Private, 8360 Burnham Rd Ste 100, El Paso
Director: Dawn Michell

Type of school: Private, 6101 Montana Ave, El Paso
Director: Jim Tolbert

Type of school: Private, 1120 Vista de Oro, El Paso
Director: Amy Parker-Morris

Type of school: Private, 3000 Pershing Dr, El Paso
Director: Hector M.Barragan Sr.

Type of school: Private, 294 Candelaria Street, El Paso
Director: Rose Guerrero

Type of school: Private, 1414 Geronimo, El Paso
Director: Yolanda Arriola

Type of school: Private, 1580 George Dieter Dr., Ste 207, El Paso
Director: Gary Yasuda

Type of school: Private, 1120 McRae Boulevard, Building D, El Paso
Director: Joe Gaylord

Type of school: Private, 1605 George Dieter, Suite 100, El Paso
Director: Eduardo Tribaldos

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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
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31.1.2013 11:52 - Admin
Discussion and review of this school